Buku berbahasa inggris ini akan membahas mengenai efek samping dan bahaya soft drink dalam berbagai penyakit seperti obesitas, osteoporosis, dan erosi gigi.
Being told that you have cancer is one of the most devastating things a person can experience. Sadly 1 in 4 Malaysians will get cancer in his or her lifetime. According to world experts he answer to avoiding cancer lies simply in practising healthy living. Find out the answers in this CAP Guide.
Buku berjudul Protect Your Child" merupakan buku membahas mengapa kita perlu melindungi dan merawat anak kita dengan baik agar tidak terkana masalah mental maupun penyakit."
Today psychologists and social scientists from universities are saying the same thing. They measured happiness and conducted worldwide surveys to reveal the secrets of our well-being. Who is happy and who is not? Which societies are happy? And why are people happy or unhappy? This guide reveals their findings, which among others, show: > The level of happiness between the 400 richest men in t…
Buku berbahasa inggris ini akan membahas mengenai bahaya penggunaan plastik yang dibuat untuk wadah makanan.
This CAP Guide is a unique reference which arms consumers against tricks used by financial institutions, stores, insurance companies, and others. It also gives you tips on how to avoid the many pitfalls when spending.
This Nutrition Guide shows you the important nutrients that different vegetables contain. It also compares the nutrient content of different vegetables to show you which vegetable to consume if you lack a certain nutrient. For avid gardeners and cooks, we have also included tips on how to plant some common vegetables and how to cook delicious dishes from these vegetables
Most of today’s mass-produced foods are seriously depleted of nutrients and are highly chemicalised with additives. Processed foods today are not just more sophisticated versions of the foods eaten by our ancestors. A wide spectrum of essential nutrients have been removed from them in the manufacturing process. The basic molecular structure of what remains is also degraded and nutritionally i…
Many of us grew up on it. Industry suggests we still need it. But half the world’s adults can’t digest it. Those who can, risk disease when they take it. Paediatricians warn it could trigger allergic reactions, anaemia and diabetes in small children. Cardiologists say it would clog our arteries. Scientists say it could give us cancer. And anthropologists say after the age of 2, we don’…
Buku berbahasa inggris merupakan seri dari Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) adalah organisasi masyarakat sipil nirlaba akar rumput yang berpusat di Malaysia; didirikan pada tahun 1969 untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan tindakan kritis di antara masyarakat guna menegakkan hak dan kepentingan konsumen. Kegiatan CAP dilakukan dari kantornya di Penang, terlibat dalam pendidikan, mobilisasi ma…